Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Please Don't Breathe on Me

Anyone who's been around me during this pregnancy knows about my love affair with hand sanitizer. I always have a small bottle with me, not to mention the strategically placed bottles around my house. I've even had encountered countless days where I've had to lotion my hands multiple times because they were raw from me washing them SO many times. 
Clearly having clean hands is an important thing, but I have taken to an extreme while being pregnant. I use to be the first kid in the dirt, didn't mind if something was sticky, and could have cared less if the only thing to bathe in while camping was the lake. That's ALL changed--at least for these nine months. If I touch anything that could have germs, I want need to sanitize. 

But trying to keep myself "germ-free"all goes to naught when I have to go to the drug store (which is far more often than I like). I've mentioned that I was sick for over 2 1/2 months with a cold that would not let go of the compromised immune system that pregnancy creates. So--needless to say--since the cold said "adios," I've thought very loudly to anyone with even a snivel: STAY. AWAY. FROM. ME!

However, this thought doesn't seem to come out of my mouth often or quickly enough--I think this is because I don't want to engage sick people. Unfortunately with the other items going on in my pregnancy I am at the drug store every week or every other week. Last week I felt like I was in a slapstick comedy changing aisles if I saw someone else coming down the same aisle. I didn't want them to have to fit around me, breathe on me or even give me a contagious look. 
I know this isn't very PC of me because everyone gets sick, but...I can't help myself--I really want to end this pregnancy without another cold or virus. Maybe drug stores could quarantine an area for only sick people, so that those of us without symptoms but weak immune systems don't have to be around them. I just kindly ask--if you see me or any other woman carrying around a basketball, keep your sneezes, breathing, touching and any other contact to yourself! Thanks, 8 1/2 months Pregnant Without a Current Cold :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

There Will Be Photoshop

Ah... The belly photo. The photo that holds a woman's 8 or 9 month body in posterity for the viewing pleasure of, well--herself, husband, family and perhaps even the baby that is (sort of) in the photo. I'm not saying I don't like the photos. In fact if they are done tastefully and thoughtfully, I think they are/can a wonderful keepsake and adorable. But let's face it, not all belly photos are created equal.

Some women just do not look comfortable exposing any part of themselves, even it is only their (very) round belly. The truth is if you're not comfortable, then no shot will be worth using (and you've now wasted time and money). Then other women are too comfortable for my taste. You know the ones I'm talking about--no bra, no undies--just wearing Eve's uniform  like they couldn't afford even a fig leaf. I'm by no means a prude, but I'm very uncomfortable looking at entirely nude body that isn't an ancient work of art or my husband. 

Jessica Simpson recently did this photo for Elle magazine (see below). Beyond the two reasons above--she and I both are uncomfortable--there is also one thing I call BS on in this picture; I call it the Wonderful World of Photoshop. Honestly, WWP doesn't bother me. I think most celebs should use it for blemishes and such. But, and maybe it's just me, I don't buy that you can't see a single vein on her belly.  True, maybe Jess had spray tan or something of the like before the shoot (I don't do it; therefore I'm not aware of possible side effects and can't judge). 

But not having any veins on this photo made me slightly panic and feel insecure at first. I then calmed my hormonal-self and reminded the crazy woman inside of WWP. Also, for as far along as Jess is, her bellybutton seems amazingly still poked in. Good for her on both accounts I suppose; but I'm refusing to let the hormonal crazy lady inside me compare.

Also, I haven't decided if I will let the hubby take clothed belly pictures of me and BGK. I may want to sometime in the next few weeks, but believe me there will be photoshop--no one needs to see the river lines on the map that has become my belly.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Naming Your Heart

Naming your baby is just that--naming your heart. Baby Girl Kotowski has a name, but I don't want to share it with the masses yet (I'm superstitious, remember?). For the record though, it wasn't hard for us to agree on a name. The hubby and I are very team like people--if BGK had been a boy, he would get to pick out his name. My dear hubby didn't win that lottery; he was allowed "yea" or "neigh" privileges. 

While I'm thrilled to call my daughter her official name while holding her in my arms, that's not the type of names I'm talking about. All parents, especially fathers, have a tendency to nickname their children. It's not new or different, but can be extremely amusing. My dad to this day still calls me "punkin," and I wouldn't trade it for the world. He called my brothers "champ," "pokey" and "Mr. C"--respectively. My mom always called us by loving adjective names--ms. priss, angel, buddy, love, etc.

Before we knew BGK was a girl, I called her bean because I hated using the word "it."Now I call her by a shortened version of her real name. (I'm not really trying to be a tease, but I prefer only family and close friends know her name before she arrives. Sorry!) 

My husband started calling the belly "Bubba" when I started showing, which was before finding out that lots of pink and purple were in our future. I'll be honest, once he found out, I thought she would have a new nickname from her already doting father--I was wrong. He almost exclusively calls her Bubba regardless of pointing out that Bubba is in fact a she.

At first it worried me--what if she has a complex? Then I thought about it and realized Bubba was a little less manly than some of my grandpa's nicknames for my aunts (one is Butch and the other is Gus). Both of my aunts turned out better than okay; so who am I to judge? Plus it's really adorable. 

I have no idea how long the nickname will continue, but I'm fairly certain it will exist beyond her birth. And truthfully, I know she will adore her dad because I do. More than likely it will be a special bond for them...that is until she has a crush in middle school and asks her daddy to please not call her that in public.