Thursday, February 9, 2012

Interrupting Radio Silence

So, Pondering Polly has been on radio silence... The main reason for that is that Pondering Polly is now Expecting Polly. I know, even that has taken months for a post--I have very simple reasons for that.
The End of August?!? That's not just silence--that' I dropped off the map!
I'm not saying you can't blog while pregnant (clearly because here I am). But if you remember from my past posts on PP, I'm a HUGE sports fan. That may not mean much to some people; but when I think of a sports fan, I think of an overly, often unnecessarily superstitious person. What does this have to do with pregnancy? A lot in the fact that I didn't want to publicly discuss/announce/ etc until I knew that Baby was doing very well. 

The other main reason is that this pregnancy hasn't been a very easy pregnancy (I promise to share some of this at later date--mommies-to-be, just know you're not crazy!). Baby is doing amazingly well, but baby is beating momma up. For me, I needed to convince myself that it was okay for me to not be Supergirl before I could actually talk in an open forum about being pregnant and all that comes along with it. I've accepted that this pregnancy is NOT as easy and simple as my mom told me about hers.  
My mom visiting! Such a blessing!
That doesn't mean that there are not enjoyable moments (because there are TONS!). It just means I'm a little more managed than some women. And the honest to God truth is that as long as Baby is healthy and happy, I could care less how easy/hard/complicated/simple/glowing/ sick/etc this pregnancy is. 

The last reason I haven't blogged is the probably the most obvious: When I'm excited about something, it's incredibly impossible for me to keep my mouth shut. This meant NO blog posts until I was comfortable talking about my pregnancy... It just took me a bit; after all I didn't post on Facebook until I was 5 1/2 months!.

Expecting Polly is currently 7 1/2 months pregnant and thrilled/scared/impatient/and any other contradicting emotion you want to plug in. I'm now ready to share some of my experiences on this blog (some will be about things past, others will be current). I hope that this blog will be amusing, reassuring, possibly informative, and--help other mommies-to-be not feel alone!

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