Showing posts with label Things Thia Does. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Things Thia Does. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ooo's and Aahhh's

Sorry for no blog yesterday, I was dealing with a fussy baby who just had her two month shots (this will be tomorrow's blog). But today is a more fun, less emotionally draining topic--my baby talks! Sort of, she's cooing--so she thinks she's talking (and for all purposes, so do I).

All parents know that a smile melts your heart, but when you hear your child laugh or coo it explodes your heart. Thia's been making her own words (sounds) for a couple of weeks now, and I can't get enough of it. We seriously sit and "talk" for hours a day. To be completely frank, they are the best conversations I've ever had in my life.
One of the funniest sounds she makes is very high pitched. It sounds like a cross between a laugh and a cry. The first time I heard it I thought something was wrong, but then I noticed she was smiling. The first time my mom and husband saw it, they both told her "oh, no" thinking she was about to cry. I had to explain that she was thoroughly amused and just telling them that. Now that I've realized this is a "word," it's actually one of my favorite sounds. 

While I can't get enough of our conversations, I eat it up even more when the husband gets home and gets her going. I think this is because I'm the bystander watching someone else enjoy similar priceless moments I have everyday. Also, it shows off how smart she is! 
I know all babies do this, and it's nothing new to the world. However, it's new to my world! What were some of your thoughts when you're baby started "talking?"

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Always to the Side

One question moms: How does your child sleep? And I'm not talking about on their back--that's a given! I mean does your child have a quirky position on top of that? Maybe other babies just sleep happily flat on their backs with no difference. Maybe my child is just an odd ball; it's possible--after all, she is my child.

Thia finds it very comfortable to sleep on her side. My guess is that's why she put herself in that position while in my tummy, because she manages to put herself in that position no matter where we have her now! Personally it doesn't look very comfortable to me.

Here's her on the swing:
She's buckled into the swing but still wiggled her way sideways. 
She also tries to do this in the car seat. (Sorry no picture--I focus on driving.) The car seat position especially she drives me nuts! I have her snugly fastened into her seat. Then 30 seconds down the road, she has her head (somehow) completely out of the head protector and leaning to her right side. If she could move her feet to the left in the car seat, I'm sure she would. This is where my paranoia comes in because not only does it not look comfortable it doesn't look safe! But there is nothing I can do--the straps won't go any tighter without cutting off her circulation. 

The most amazing way she does this is when she is completely swaddled in any of her beds  (Yes, with an "S!" That will be another blog.) We've swaddled hers in blankets and laid her down in a straight line in her bassinet, snuggle nest, crib and she still puts herself diagonally.  I mean that's talent! Also that's scary because I don't want her to start crawling next week, and with that much movement who knows! (Just kidding, I know that's not possible; right?)
I swear her head was in the middle of the bed when we laid her down!
Thia also tries to do this when she's in her bouncer, too. With the bouncer I cut her off quick though because she could touch the ground with her long arms and bring the bouncer over. With the swing and car seat, she's not going anywhere. And I guess that's the answer. As long as she's comfortable and can't hurt herself, why stop her? I'm learning to just enjoy and revel in her quirks (even when my knee jerk reaction is to straighten her out)!